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Waterloo Road exposes two death secrets in 7 huge spoilers for next week

It's a dramatic week for the school staff.

coral walker, donte charles, samia choudhry, waterloo road

Waterloo Road spoilers follow.

Next week on Waterloo Road, the show revisits Chlo's tragic death storyline as an inquest is held.

Elsewhere, bossy schoolteacher Neil finds himself under scrutiny over the death of his wife.

Here's a full collection of seven big moments to look out for in next week's episode.

1. Izzy confides in Amy

scarlett thomas as izzy charles in waterloo road
Wall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Helen WilliamsBBC

Emotions run high for Chlo's family on the day of the inquest into her death. When English teacher Amy checks in on Chlo's daughter Izzy to see how she's doing, she's surprised by the youngster's response.

Izzy admits that she's looking forward to the inquest being over, so that the Charles family can start to move on with their lives. However, when Izzy adds that she feels guilty about doing the things she enjoys now her mum is gone, it's left to Amy to offer some good advice.

2. Coral continues to bully Amy

rachel leskovac as coral walker in waterloo road

Coral is wrong-footed when she finds out that Chlo's inquest is taking place that day, after getting confused over the date. She continues to feel the pressure after so many weeks keeping quiet about the truth of what caused Chlo's accident.

Although Amy kindly shows support to her colleague, she's left upset as Coral continues to spitefully bully her with further harsh put-downs.

3. Donte receives a shock

donte charles in waterloo road

As the inquest takes place, Donte and Coral are among those in attendance, bracing themselves to hear the findings.

Whatever happens during the hearing, it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out about everything Coral has been hiding. How will Donte and Izzy react?

4. Neil makes an enemy

neil fitzmaurice as neil guthrie in waterloo road
Wall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Helen WilliamsBBC

History teacher Neil clashes with student Tonya in the school corridor, cruelly mocking her hopes of being elected on to the school council. This lands him in trouble with Kim, who witnesses his unprofessional outburst.

Neil's mistake has further consequences when a vengeful Tonya becomes fixated on the idea that he may have killed his late wife, believing that she has spotted inconsistencies in his story. Tonya recruits her friend Dwayne to start investigating the mystery with her.

5. Neil helps Norullah

neil fitzmaurice as neil guthrie in waterloo road
Wall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Vishal SharmaBBC

Coral's erratic behaviour continues as she snatches a phone belonging to student Norullah, realising that it contains incriminating video footage from the day of Chlo's accident.

When Neil shows support for Norullah after his difficult encounter with Coral, he learns more about the teen's experiences as a refugee. Neil is visibly moved by Norullah's heartbreak over being separated from his brother, who originally moved over from Afghanistan with him.

6. The students go digging in Neil's garden

dwayne jackson and tonya walters in waterloo road
Wall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Vishal SharmaBBC

Tonya teams up with her friend Dwayne to dig up Neil's back garden, convinced that his wife could be buried there.

Donte is horrified to catch the amateur detectives in the act – but with Neil genuinely hiding something over his wife's fate, the truth ultimately comes out.

7. It's election day at the school

priyasasha kumari as samia choudry on waterloo road
Wall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Helen WilliamsBBC

It's the final stages of campaigning for the school council elections, with free positions available across the various year groups.

Samia and Shola are among those campaigning – for Year 11 and Year 9 respectively – with a strong focus on the relevant issues affecting the school community.

However, troublemaker Noel throws a spanner in the works by putting his hat into the ring for Year 11 too, hoping to win votes through personality rather than policies.

Waterloo Road airs on Tuesday nights on BBC One. The new series is currently available to watch on BBC iPlayer.

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