Home and Away's Alf Stewart shares fears for Marilyn in 20 spoiler pictures

Your full collection of photos showing what's ahead on UK screens in the week commencing Monday, January 9.

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Channel 5
eden fowler and cash newman in home and away
Channel 5
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Monday, January 9: Cash reaches out to Eden

Although he's not ready to take a chance on a romantic future with Eden, he is worried about his old flame.

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Monday, January 9: Eden is heartbroken

She doesn't want to just be friends with Cash.

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Monday, January 9: Cash's efforts don't go well

Eden isn't interested in friendly small talk.

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Monday, January 9: Eden walks off

Cash regrets misjudging the situation.

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Monday, January 9: Felicity is excited about her wedding to Tane

With plans under way, she checks in with Cash.

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Monday, January 9: Cash gets a surprise

Felicity asks him to walk her down the aisle when the ceremony takes place in a few weeks' time.

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Monday, January 9: Cash accepts

He's happy to do the honours.

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Tuesday, January 10: Alf confronts Cash

Cash has uncovered the whereabouts of missing Marilyn, but is refusing to disclose them to the Bay's residents by her own request.

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Tuesday, January 10: Alf isn't happy over Cash's stance

Cash is just following protocol, but Alf thinks they all deserve to know where they can find Marilyn and bring her home.

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Tuesday, January 10: Cash comes under pressure

Will he sneakily reveal any clues?

roo stewart, alf stewart, nikau parata and cash newman in home and away
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Tuesday, January 10: Alf suffers chest pains

The clash with Cash takes its toll, especially so soon after Alf's recent health scare.

roo stewart, alf stewart and nikau parata in home and away
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Tuesday, January 10: Roo and Nikau check on Alf

Alf remains in a grumpy mood.

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Tuesday, January 10: Nikau tells Alf that he'll join Roo in tracking down Marilyn

Nikau still feels partly responsible for Marilyn's problems, as he didn't realise what Heather was up to sooner.

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Tuesday, January 10: It's a busy time for Tane

Wedding plans are under way.

cash newman, tane parata and felicity newman in home and away
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Tuesday, January 10: Cash is closely involved in the planning

The happy couple want his help.

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Tuesday, January 10: Tane and Felicity finally seem to be on the same page

Felicity has managed to put her doubts to one side.

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Tuesday, January 10: Cash has found one element of the planning tricky

He has been working alongside Eden, creating more awkwardness between them.

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Tuesday, January 10: Cash and Eden catch up again

They discuss how things are going.

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Tuesday, January 10: Eden faces more disappointment

Cash reveals that he wants them to go back to keeping their distance from each other.

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Tuesday, January 10: Cash explains his reasoning

He suggests that they only work as a couple when their lives are in crisis, so it's time to keep their distance from each other again.

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