Marvel just killed off a major Avenger in Civil War 2

​It's Avenger-on-Avenger crime.

Avengers lineup
Marvel Comics

Warning: Contains spoilers for Civil War 2 #3.

Marvel Comics' original Civil War event resulted in the death of Captain America, so we should have known that a major hero would go down in the sequel to that storyline.

Marvel Comics

After War Machine was already taken out by Thanos, writer Brian Michael Bendis has followed up by having Bruce Banner – aka the Hulk – murdered at the hands of one of his allies.

The killing blow is dealt by Hawkeye, who shoots Banner right between the eyes.

Marvel Comics

Banner hasn't been the Hulk for a little while now, but the future forecasting Inhuman Ulysses – who has inspired the Avengers to go to war with each other – foresees the green monster killing several superheroes.

This is supported by the revelation that Banner had been experimenting on himself with gamma radiation and, when he looks like he is about to Hulk out, Hawkeye shot him.

Marvel Comics

To complicate matters, the hero also claims that Banner had asked him to do the deed if it looked like he might become a danger.

Two Civil War spinoffs – The Fallen and The Accused – will deal with the fallout of Hulk's death in August.

Of course, Captain America got better, so we're sure this won't be the last we see of Banner.

Civil War 2 #3 is out now.

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