Home and Away teases big setback for Dean and Ziggy in 23 spoiler pictures

Your full collection of photos showing what's ahead on UK screens in the week commencing Monday, February 13.

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Wednesday, February 15: John, Rose and Kirby prepare for the Summer Bay golf tournament

The trio have banded together for a team called Palmer's Putters.

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Wednesday, February 15: John, Rose and Kirby take a walk along the golf course

They check what they'll be up against when the tournament takes place the following day.

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Wednesday, February 15: Rose gets some last-minute preparation in

Kirby watches on.

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Wednesday, February 15: Rose has plenty of expertise

She has previously won two golf tournaments.

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Wednesday, February 15: Rival team leader Justin also watches on

He's keen to check out the competition.

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Wednesday, February 15: John starts to feel smug - and Justin gets insecure

Desperation to win soon leads to Justin sneaking off to sabotage the golf buggy belonging to Palmer's Putters.

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Wednesday, February 15: The day of the tournament arrives

Dean teams up with Theo and Justin. Despite being a total novice at golf, he's keen to be involved after hearing that the first prize for the winner is a new car. By coincidence, Ziggy has told Dean that they'll need a new car once their baby is born.

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Wednesday, February 15: Theo and Justin are shocked

Dean turns out to be a total natural at the game.

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Wednesday, February 15: Theo and Justin celebrate

Everything seems to be working in their favour.

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Wednesday, February 15: Justin's team gain another advantage

The Palmer's Putters team have to walk along the course as their golf buggy isn't working.

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Wednesday, February 15: Justin is delighted

His secret sabotage has paid off nicely.

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Wednesday, February 15: Dean thinks the new car is in the bag

But could Justin's team be celebrating too soon?

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Wednesday, February 15: The game continues

Kirby takes a shot.

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Wednesday, February 15: John and Rose watch on anxiously

They need things to start turning around for them – and quickly.

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Wednesday, February 15: The pressure is on for Kirby

John prays for a miracle.

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Wednesday, February 15: Kirby celebrates

The turnaround that John's team needed has finally arrived.

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Wednesday, February 15: Kirby, Rose and John start to feel more positive

There's still a chance that they could win.

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Wednesday, February 15: John congratulates his team

But there's still a way to go.

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Wednesday, February 15: Kirby and Rose

Along with John, Palmer's Putters make a great team.

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Wednesday, February 15: Dean starts to get too confident

The taunting from the other team starts to become overbearing.

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Wednesday, February 15: Kirby, John and Rose become annoyed over the constant walking

It's making the game unfair.

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Wednesday, February 15: John tries to keep spirits high

He proves to be an inspiring team leader.

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Wednesday, February 15: The tournament's outcome could prove divisive

Although Justin's team wins, CCTV footage later proves that he sabotaged John's golf buggy. This leads to Justin's team being disqualified – and Dean having his new car taken away. How will everyone react?

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